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Burden of impaired vitality in the general population and potential nutritional solution

A recent study based on the National Health and Wellness Survey, the world’s largest online database of patient-reported health outcomes, found that low vitality negatively impacts quality of life, da ...

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Författare: Anne-Laure Tardy, Lionel Noah, Thamiris Tavares och Caroline AmandEFSM: 2024;4:240008DOI: 10.52778/efsm.24.0008Datum: 27.02.2024

Managing magnesium deficiency: Strategies for diagnosis and treatment

Magnesium (Mg) plays a vital role in maintaining bodily functions; in consequence, its deficiency has been linked to various chronic diseases. Diagnosis of Mg deficiency is challenging due to the ...

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Författare: Katarzyna Wielgus, Milana Dan och Thamiris TavaresEFSM: 2024;4:240001DOI: 10.52778/efsm.24.0001Datum: 22.02.2024

Omeprazole vs. Poliprotect®

Clinical trial demonstrating non-inferiority of Poliprotect for heartburn and epigastric pain in patients without erosive esophagitis

A randomised, controlled, multicentre, double-blind and double-masked study confirmed the efficacy of Poliprotect®, a molecular complex of natural ingredients designed for the protection of the gastro ...

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Författare: Frederick HerbstEFSM: 2023;3:230055DOI: 10.52778/efsm.23.0055Datum: 17.12.2023

Bioceramic materials emitting infrared radiation for musculoskeletal pain relief

Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders are the leading cause of chronic pain, physical, functional impairment and loss of quality of life. About one in three people worldwide is suffering from MSK pain. The ...

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Författare: Bill Giannakopoulos, PharmD, Mohamed Amessou, PhD, MBA och Eva Koscova, MD, PhD, MBA, CVTI SREFSM: 2023;3:230049DOI: 10.52778/efsm.23.0049Datum: 17.12.2023

Promoted to the highest evidence class: meta-analysis supports the evidence for EA 575® in treating…

In self-limiting diseases such as acute respiratory infections, patients primarily expect relief of their symptoms, the aim being to reduce suffering and thus improve their quality of life. The result ...

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Författare: Dr Lukas Uebbing och Dr Simon BraunEFSM: 2023;3:230041DOI: 10.52778/efsm.23.0041Datum: 17.10.2023

Bacillus clausii's protective and restorative mechanisms in PPI-induced gut imbalance using SHIME …

Long-term use of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) may lead to gut flora imbalance, which may be restored using probiotics. The study demonstrated the probiotic effects of B. clausii on gut microbiota heal ...

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Författare: Zefferino Righetto, Daniel Marquez och Marcos Perez III, MDEFSM: 2023;3:230034DOI: 10.52778/efsm.23.0034Datum: 05.10.2023

Perceived effectiveness and increased quality of life after Macrogol 4000 use in patients with …

With a prevalence of 14 – 30% in Spain, constipation impacts quality of life (QoL) and general well-being in the affected population. A survey conducted through Spanish pharmacies among 100 ...

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Författare: Georgina Logusso, Nuno Correia, Alexia Aran och Maria MilitaoEFSM: 2023;3:230030DOI: 10.52778/efsm.23.0030Datum: 25.09.2023

Real-world data demonstrate added value of cineole over nasal spray monotherapy for rhinosinusitis

The efficacy of 1,8-cineole in treating acute rhinosinusitis has been repeatedly demonstrated in randomised-controlled double-blind trials [1, 2]. Now, a non-interventional trial under everyday condit ...

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Författare: Dr. Simon Braun och Dr. Lukas UebbingEFSM: 2023;3:230028DOI: 10.52778/efsm.23.0028Datum: 18.09.2023

Safety of fexofenadine as over-the-counter treatment for allergic rhinitis in Italy 

Switches of oral antihistamines (OAHs) from prescription drug to over-the-counter (OTC) status may raise safety concerns due to misuse or abuse, as seen with first-generation antihistamines. A real-wo ...

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Författare: Marina Volonté, DVM, Mohamed Amessou, PhD, MBA och Maria Chiara Uboldi, PhDEFSM: 2023;3:230023DOI: 10.52778/efsm.23.0023Datum: 10.09.2023

Fexofenadine: A review of its use in the treatment of urticaria in pediatric and adult populations

Urticaria is an inflammatory skin disorder primarily resulting from activation of cutaneous mast cells. The released inflammatory mediators and histamine are responsible for the development of wheals ...

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Författare: Margarita Murrieta-Aguttes, MD och Mohamed Amessou, PhD, MBAEFSM: 2023;3:230014DOI: 10.52778/efsm.23.0014Datum: 04.09.2023