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About Us

Our commitment

The central commitment of Evidence for Self-Medication (EfSM) is to promote the dissemination of current scientific knowledge in the field of evidence-based self-medication.

Editorial team

EfSM is managed by a professional editorial team of medical and pharmaceutical editors who have vast experience in scientific publishing. Pharmacist Dr. Heike Oberpichler-Schwenk, Stuttgart, is head of the editorial staff.

Editorial Board
Prof. Thomas Herdegen (chair), Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany
Prof. Martin Storr, LMU Munich/Center for Endoscopy, Starnberg, Germany
Prof. Hans-Peter Volz, JMU Würzburg, Germany

Board members advise the editorial staff throughout the review and formal appeal processes. The editorial staff is supported by a network of peer reviewers who evaluate and ensure the quality of the submitted articles.