Boala ficatului gras non-alcoolic (FGNA), cunoscută și sub numele de boala ficatului gras asociată cu sindromul metabolic, este una dintre cele mai frecvente boli hepatice la nivel mondial. Deși FGNA ...
Fatigue negatively impacts quality of life even in otherwise healthy individuals. Recent systematic reviews provide mechanistic plausibility for these effects. In addition, a recent study demonstrates ...
Prevalența bolii ficatului gras non-alcoolic (FGNA) este în creștere la nivel mondial, la fel ca și riscurile pe termen lung pentru sănătatea celor afectați. Alături de schimbările privind stilul de v ...
Fosfolipidele esențiale (EPL) fac parte din grupul de agenți hepatoprotectori și sunt recomandate în ghidul rusesc pentru tratamentul steatozei hepatice nealcoolice (NAFLD). Un studiu observațional la ...
Autor: Igor Maev, MD, PhD, Dr. Med. Sci., Chavdar Pavlov, MD, PhD, Dr. Med. Sci., Kirill M Starostin, MD și Branko Popovic, MDEFSM: 2022;2:220103DOI: 10.52778/efsm.22.0103Data: 08.05.2022
Dietary administration of zinc and use of probiotics can strengthen the immune system in humans, including children. This may lead to fewer and shorter respiratory tract infection episodes. Whether th ...
Probiotics are a generally safe treatment option and have been evaluated positively for several conditions by the Cochrane Collaboration. However, they must have adequate compositional quality and be ...
Reducing harmful stress is a key challenge to preserve well-being. A recent, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in moderately stressed healthy adults ( NCT03262376; ...
Phytotherapeutics are used in many countries to treat stress symptoms such as mild sleep disorders, anxiety, increased irritability, tension and nervous restlessness. An established combination prepar ...
Even in countries with a high standard of living, the intake of essential nutrients by breast-feeding women is often inadequate – with potentially negative effects on the development of their baby. A ...
Allergic rhinitis is a common problem with increasing prevalence. Two recent publications demonstrate that intranasal triamcinolone acetonide is an effective treatment that progressively improves nasa ...