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Přehled článků

Probiotics: quality matters

Probiotics are a generally safe treatment option and have been evaluated positively for several conditions by the Cochrane Collaboration. However, they must have adequate compositional quality and be ...

K článku
Autor: Paolo Pellegrino, MD a Marcos Perez III., MDEFSM: 2022;2:220086DOI: 10.52778/efsm.22.0086Datum: 10.04.2022

A novel combination reduces objective measures and subjective stress perception

Reducing harmful stress is a key challenge to preserve well-being. A recent, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in moderately stressed healthy adults ( NCT03262376; ...

K článku
Autor: Lionel Noah, PhDEFSM: 2022;2:220041DOI: 10.52778/efsm.22.0041Datum: 09.03.2022

Stress symptoms: Evidence supporting a phytopharmaceutical product with new marketing authorisation…

Phytotherapeutics are used in many countries to treat stress symptoms such as mild sleep disorders, anxiety, increased irritability, tension and nervous restlessness. An established combination prepar ...

K článku
Autor: Christiane Kolb, PhD a Heba Aziz-Kalbhenn, PhDEFSM: 2022;2:220039DOI: 10.52778/efsm.22.0039Datum: 27.02.2022

Study confirms the effect of a supplement on the micronutrient content of breast milk

Even in countries with a high standard of living, the intake of essential nutrients by breast-feeding women is often inadequate – with potentially negative effects on the development of their baby. A ...

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Autor: Jens SeibelEFSM: 2022;2:220037DOI: 10.52778/efsm.22.0037Datum: 21.02.2022

Intranasal triamcinolone acetonide effectively improves nasal symptoms and quality of life in …

Allergic rhinitis is a common problem with increasing prevalence. Two recent publications demonstrate that intranasal triamcinolone acetonide is an effective treatment that progressively improves nasa ...

K článku
Autor: Mohamed Amessou, PhD, Elizaveta Leshcheva, PharmD, Aleksandr Maslakov, MD, PhD a Palak Venkataraman, PharmDEFSM: 2022;2:220022DOI: 10.52778/efsm.22.0022Datum: 05.02.2022

Update on the antibiotic treatment of uncomplicated skin abscesses

Cutaneous abscesses are often caused by S. aureus. The most important therapeutic measure is drainage of the accumulated pus. Although the clinical benefit from additionally administering oral antibio ...

K článku
Autor: Annette Sethmann, PhDEFSM: 2022;2:220035DOI: 10.52778/efsm.22.0035Datum: 31.01.2022

Lepší pochopení „bolesti hlavy 21. století“ pomocí dat z reálného světa

Bolest hlavy je po celém světě jednou z hlavních příčin pracovní neschopnosti a/nebo omezení každodenních činností. 50% postižených nevyhledá lékařskou péči a bolest řeší samoléčbou. Tomuto jevu se po ...

K článku
Autor: Luminita Constantin, MD, Marion Eberlin, PhD, Iva Igracki Turudic, MD a Martin C. Michel, MDEFSM: 2022;2:220028DOI: 10.52778/efsm.22.0028Datum: 26.01.2022

Probiotics can prevent drug-induced gastrointestinal symptoms

Probiotics such as Bacillus clausii reduce the occurrence of gastrointestinal side effects of commonly used medications such as antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors in placebo-controlled randomized ...

K článku
Autor: Manuel Plomer, PhD a Marcos III Perez, MDEFSM: 2022;2:220009DOI: 10.52778/efsm.22.0009Datum: 26.01.2022

The probiotic Bacillus clausii is an effective treatment of acute diarrhea in children

A systematic review and meta-analysis confirms that the probiotic Bacillus clausii is an effective treatment for acute diarrhea in childhood. It shortens the duration of diarrhea and associated hospit ...

K článku
Autor: Marcos III Perez, MD a Dorothea M. Greifenberg, PhDEFSM: 2022;2:220003DOI: 10.52778/efsm.22.0003Datum: 21.01.2022

Esenciální fosfolipidy u steatózy jater

Játra jsou důležitým orgánem metabolismu a imunitního systému. Nadměrný příjem sacharidů nebo nadměrná konzumace alkoholu mohou vyvolat zánětlivé procesy a vést k rozvoji steatózy jater. Přehled liter ...

K článku
Autor: Assoc. Prof. Peter Minárik, MD, PhD, MSc a Eva Koscova, MD, PhD, MBAEFSM: 2022;2:220018DOI: 10.52778/efsm.22.0018Datum: 19.01.2022